Nota: transcripción del
documento original
archivado en el F.B.I.
PReb ha sido el primero
en dar a conocer en el
internet estos documentos
antes que la Prensa y la
Legislatura en Puerto
Documento confidencial del FBI
sobre la reunión del M.P.I.
en julio de 1960
M.P.I.: Movimiento Pro Independencia
Comunicado de Prensa enviado a "PReb"
por el congresista Serrano
Informe sobre los nacionalistas; año de 1936
La decisión del FBI de actuar agresivamente
contra los independentistas
en 1960
Congresistas piden investiguen muerte de
Filiberto Ojeda
Reacción del rep. Serrano ante informe de
la Oficina del Procurador
General de los
Estados Unidos sobre la
muerte de Filiberto
Ojeda Ruiz
Congresistas ante abusos FBI en Puerto Rico
Serrano cuestiona Sec. Homeland Security
ante incidentes en P.R.
Subject:___M.P.I. Meeting
Place:_____Calle De Diego #156 Río Piedras, 2nd floor.
Hour:_____ 9:00 PM
About 25 persons attended
and the names of
the following are remembered:
Julio Vives_____________________
Aurora Amadeo
Juan B. Perez
Norman Pietri
Juan Santos Rivera
Rafael Burgos
Jorge Torres
Nilda Nunez *
Juan Mari Bras
A. Victor Pedroza
Julio Pinto Gandia
Anibal Lebron *
Rafael Romero
J. Roura
A. Sariego
Fco. Matos Paoli
Luz M. Garcia
M. Negron Nogueras *
____* arrived late____________** will accompany Luz Garcia to Cuba
______________________________about 7/17/60.
Julio Vives opened the meeting as Master
of Ceremonies based
on his position as a
Secretary of the
MPI and informed that he
had no formal program
with the exception
of the visit of'
Miss Wilda Nunez (cuban)
Queen of "La Prensa"
of New York.
It was then agreed
that a mass celebration
would be held next
Saturday, 7/16/60, in
front of the Cuban
Counsel at 2:OO PM for
the purpose of demonstrating
support of the
Cuban Revolution.
The activity will be sponsored
by the FUPI and MPI.
Santos Rivera offered
and it was agreed
to accept use of the microphone,
taperecorder and
loudspeakers of the PCP.

Las carpetas:
persecución política
y derechos civiles
en Puerto Rico
(ensayos y documentos)
Julio Vives opened the meeting as Master
of Ceremonies based on
his position as a
Secretary of the MPI and
informed that he
had no formal program with
the exception
of the visit of' Miss Wilda
Nunez (cuban)
Queen of "La Prensa" of
New York.
It was then agreed that
a mass celebration
would be held next Saturday,
7/16/60, in
front of the Cuban Counsel
at 2:OO PM for
the purpose of demonstrating
support of the
Cuban Revolution. The activity
will be sponsored
by the FUPI and MPI. Santos
Rivera offered
and it was agreed to accept
use of the microphone,
taperecorder and loudspeakers
of the PCP.
An invitation from the
July 26th Club was
read which indicated a
meeting would be hold
Tuesdays, 7/12/60, in Rio
Nilda Nunez expressed her
intentions of renouncing
her posit. Ion as Queen
and to accomplish
this departed In the company
of Mari Bras
and Pinto Gandia, in order
to visit Rene
Marques, who would compose
a special copy
of the renunciation. The
reason for this
action was that "La Prensa"
N.Y. had edited a series
of editorials attacking
the Cuban Revolution and
because the 26th
of July, who proposed Nunez
for queen, and
she beign a Cuban, should
naturally defend
the Revolution from Puerto
Rico as a matter
of principle. Because of
this announcement,
it is hoped that much propaganda
can be achieved
in favor of Fidel Castro.
"Creo que es una afrenta a la dignidad nacional
de este pueblo. Es
una falta de respeto que
estos genocidas,
estos asesinos, estos malvados,
estos sinvergüenzas
se hayan atrevido a mancillar
el aniversario 137
de la declaración de la
República de Puerto
Rico con un acto como
- Rosa Meneses, presidenta del Partido Nacionalista, ante
la muerte a tiros
por el FBI del líder Machetero, Filiberto Ojeda Ríos, el 23 de septiembre
del 2005, día de
la conmemoración del Grito de Lares.