Comunicado de prensa enviado a "PReb":
Serrano, Velázquez, Gutiérrez,
Ask for Independent Investigation
of FBI
Washington, DC, February 14, 2006 - Citing
apparent "excessive
use of force against
journalists," by FBI
agents in a recent
operation in Puerto Rico
three Members of
Congress of Puerto Rican
origin sent the
following letter to FBI
Director Robert Mueller
today. The three Members
were José E. Serrano
(D-NY), Luis V. Gutiérrez
(D-IL) and Nydia
Velázquez (D-NY).
Informe sobre los nacionalistas; año de 1936
La decisión del FBI de actuar agresivamente
contra los independentistas
en 1960
Documento del FBI espiando reunión del MPI
en el 1960
M.P.I.: Movimiento Pro
Independencia de Puerto
Reacción del rep. Serrano ante informe de
la Oficina del Procurador
General de los
Estados Unidos sobre la
muerte de Filiberto
Ojeda Ruiz
Congresistas piden investiguen muerte de
Filiberto Ojeda
Comunicado de Prensa enviado a "PReb"
por el congresista Serrano
Serrano cuestiona Sec. del Homeland Security
ante incidentes en P.R.

Escudo congresional |
February 14, 2006
The Honorable Robert S.
Mueller, III
Federal Bureau of Investigations
935 Pennsylvania Avenue,
Washington, DC 20535
Dear Director Mueller:
As we wait for the results
of the investigation
we requested on the Bureau
operation that
led to the death of Mr.
Filiberto Ojeda Rios
on September 23, 2005,
we are writing today
to ask for another investigation
into the
actions of the FBI last
Friday, February
10, 2006, in Río Piedras,
Puerto Rico.
We are particularly troubled
by what appeared
to be the excessive use
of force against
members of the press as
they attempted to
cover the FBI operation.
Video of the incident
has been aired extensively
in television
coverage of the day's events
and is widely
available on the Internet.
All major press organizations
in Puerto Rico
have vigorously condemned
the violent actions
of FBI agents against members
of the press.
The Chief of Police of
Puerto Rico, Mr. Pedro
Toledo, criticized the
close-range use of
pepper spray against reporters
as "completely
outside of the norm." Furthermore,
Toledo, along with the
rest of the government
of Puerto Rico, was reportedly
not informed
by the FBI of the operation
until after it
had ended.
We ask for an immediate
independent investigation
to determine if the Bureau's
use of force
was excessive or unwarranted.
We request
further that, if this independent
determines that violations
of civil rights,
laws or procedures did
in fact take place,
those responsible be brought
to justice.
In our democracy, the most
fundamental obligation
of law enforcement agencies
is to uphold
the constitutional rights
of citizens as
well as to protect the
freedom of the press.
Even in Puerto Rico, where
the Bureau and
its agents have a reputation
for behaving
as if they are above the
law, the FBI is
not exempt from these duties.
Given the urgency of the
circumstances and
the nature of the incidents,
we request a
response from you no later
than the close
of business Thursday, February
16, 2005.
Thank you for your attention
to our concerns.
José E. Serrano Luis V.
Gutiérrez Nydia M.
Member of Congress Member
of Congress Member
of Congress
2227 Rayburn House
Office Building
Washington, D.C.
(202) 225-4361 |
788 Southern Blvd.
Bronx, New York 10455
(718) 620-0084