Unete aquí a Puerto Rico en breve

Secciones: De tiendas: Otros:


Los Canarios en América
José A. Pérez Carrión

1868 : La Guerra después
de la guerra

Fernando Picó S.J.

Puerto Rico Mío
Puerto Rico Mío:
Four Decades of Change

Famosa colección
fotos inicios siglo pasado

La esclavitud blanca: Contribución a la historia del inmigrante canario
en América, siglo XIX

La Charca
La Charca
Manuel Zeno Gandía

Libro X de Bautismos de Cabo Rojo
Libro Décimo de Bautismos
(1814-1820) Parroquia
San Miguel Arcángel
de Cabo Rojo

Libro IX de Bautismos de Cabo Rojo
Libro IX de Bautismos
(1820-1824) Parroquia
San Miguel Arcángel
de Cabo Rojo

El Caribe hispánico
El Caribe hispánico:
perspectivas lingüísticas
actuales: Homenaje a
Manuel Álvarez Nazario

Herencia Linguística De Canarias en Puerto Rico
La Herencia Linguística de
Canarias en Puerto Rico

Manuel Alvarez Nazario

From the Spanish Discovery
The History of Puerto Rico:
From the Spanish Discovery
to the
American Occupation

Piratas y corsarios
Piratas y corsarios en
Puerto Rico y el Caribe

Leyendas Puertorriqueñas

Cayetano Coll y Toste

Ataque holandés a San Juan
1625: Diario del ataque
holandés a San Juan
de Puerto Rico

Slavery in Puerto Rico
Sugar, Slavery, and
Freedom in 19th c. P.R.

History of Puerto Rico
Fernando Picó S.J.

Amargo café
Los pequeños y medianos
caficultores de Utuado
en la segunda mitad
del siglo XIX

Fernando Picó S.J.

Diccionario biografico
de corsos en Puerto Rico

E. Vivoni, L. Dragoni

Al filo del poder:
subalternos y dominantes
en Puerto Rico

Libertad y servidumbre
en el Puerto Rico
del siglo XIX

Fernando Picó S.J.

PReb: Puerto Rico en breve

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By Frank Lago Jr.

(c) CopyRight - Prohibido copiar, reproducir

More articles by Frank Lago:

Digging for the Treasure of the Pedrogo Family History
Researching your Puerto Rican Family History
Frank Lago y su encuentro con sus antepasados
El Registro de la Propiedad en Puerto Rico
Mi búsqueda genealógica de las familias Lago y Echeandía en los archivos del gob. vasco

First let me give you some details about my family, why my mother doesn't carry the last name of Rodríguez, and why I decided to research this family line.

My mother, Aurora Resto Maldonado, was born in Bayamón, Puerto Rico in 1930. Her parents on her birth certificate were listed as José (Pepe) Resto and Josefina Maldonado Rivera. Two of the six daughters of Josefina Maldonado were daughters of José Resto and three were daughters of Antonio Rodríguez Artau. As customary, my abuela Fina wanted all of her daughters to have the same last name. Neither of the fathers were involved in raising these daughters. In fact my abuela Fina had to leave her daughters with other relatives to be able to work and save money.

One of the relatives that raised my mother Aurora was abuela Antonia Artau Díaz, otherwise known as Fagunda. My abuela Fina scooped up her children and went to live in New York City in 1938. Later on my mother took me on a visit to see her half-sister Mini in Brooklyn, and her father, Antonio Rodríguez Artau, was visiting from Cataño.

My grandmother Josefina
Maldonado Rivera.

This was the first time I had ever seen my mother's father. She asked him if he remembered her and he said "claro que sí" but never left his chair while playing dominoes. I was told that he was born in the Dominican Republic and we understood that his father was also Dominican but his mother Antonia Artau was Puerto Rican. So my mother and her other sisters were teased as "las dominicanas".

I have been researching this particular family for a while and started filling in the gaps. That would drive me to search for the family of Antonia Artau's husband in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. This journey will explore:

- Passenger lists,
- Census,
- Permission to reside as an immigrant,
- Civil Records and
- Roman Catholic Church records.

I used Ancestry.com the World Explorer edition and familysearch.org to research and I used AncestryDNA testing to prove the blood relationship of the Rodríguez Artau, Rodríguez Suero and Rodríguez Marcos families of Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic.

IIn genealogy research, we don't include information of those who are still alive. Within this article you will see misspellings. However the words and names are written how I transcribed them. The information in the records is sometimes confusing and contradictory. Often the person giving the testimony of the deceased is incorrect and therefore we have to do our due diligence to determine the true names of parents, places of birth, etc. Furthermore, within the Passenger List and Census records, there are quite a bit of abbreviations in which I wrote the words out to avoid confusion.

My mother Aurora Resto Maldonado.

So this is how I start out, not knowing much about this family until I request Antonio Rodríguez Artau's application for a Social Security Card.

The application lists states his mother's name as Antonia Artau Díaz and his father's name as Cristóbal Rodríguez Martínez. Of course, we thought that Cristóbal was Dominican since that's where he lived. I searched and read through the Census for 1910, 1920, 1930, and 1940 and started seeing a pattern that Antonia Artau was living together with her husband's (Cristóbal Rodríguez Martínez) extended family. It gave me a perspective into the life of this family.

Antonia Artau Díaz was married in August 8, 1901 at the age of 24 years old to Mario Evangelista Medina Castro, age of 27 years old, born in Cataño. Her parents were Cirilo Artau and Rufina Díaz. The civil marriage record states that she was born in San Juan. This marriage didn't last very long. In the1930 Census for Ponce, Puerto Rico, we come upon Evangelista Medina Castro the ex-husband of Antonia. He is listed as "Jefe", Matilde Doroliac viuda de Altau "hermana", Matilde Altau Doroliac "sobrina", María A. Altau Doroliac "sobrina" and David Altau "sobrino." They are the widow, children and grandson of Martín Artau, brother of Antonia Artau Díaz.

Luis Ángel Rodríguez Artau.

During my investigation I came upon the baptismal record in the Roman Catholic Church of San Felipe de Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic and the Registro Civil birth record of Antonio Artau, born to Antonia Artau Díaz. Her occupation was "costurera, natural de San Juan, PR." Antonio's madrina was Petronila Rodríguez of 16 years old also "costurera, natural de San Juan, PR." Antonio Rodríguez Artau is my mother's biological father. Antonio's sister Trinidad Rodríguez Artau was born in September 3, 1905.

Censo de Cataño, 1930.

The only birth record I found for her was in the Registro Demografico in Cataño, Puerto Rico where I had also found one for her brother Antonio, though he was born in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. Later on her brother Maximiliano "Altao" was baptized at the Roman Catholic Church of San Felipe de Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic and was born in November 22, 1907 to Antonia Altao. Altao is a misspelling but the pronunciation is similar to Artau. But now we have come upon another brother call Luis Ángel Altao and his birthdate supposedly is November 22, 1909. This is suspicious since Luis Ángel never travels with his mother like his other siblings and being the youngest his mother would never have left him behind. His mother Antonia Artau travels with Antonio, Trinidad and Maximiliano but later in life there is no record of Maximiliano but there is of Luis Ángel.

Plaza y antigua iglesia de Cataño a inicios del siglo XX.

In the 1930 Census for Cataño, Puerto Rico, Calle del Tren, Teresa Rodríguez de Basulto was "Jefe", Filomena Jerez Rodríguez "hija", Antonia Artau vda (viuda) de Rodríguez "cuñada", Trina Artau Rodríguez "alojada" and Petronila Rodríguez López "alojada". Now we start to see the family connections. If Antonia Artau is a sister-in-law, then Teresa Rodríguez de Basulto is the sister of Cristóbal Rodríguez Martínez. What is questionable is whether Cristóbal Rodríguez has passed away according to Antonia Artau widow of Rodríguez.

"Yo, Cristóbal Rodríguez Martínez, he sido admitido en la República Dominicana como inmigrante y solicito la expedición de mi Permiso de Residencia".

"Esta solicitud es correcta y ha sido suscrita y jurada ante mí en Julio 8 de 1943...
Puerto Plata, R.D.".

In the 1910 census for Bayamón, Puerto Rico, barrio Cataño, Calle Flores, Eduardo Moreno was listed as "Jefe", his occupation was "tabaquero, finca de tabaco" Petra Martínez Torres was listed as "suegra" her ocupation was "quehaceres de casa" and Petra Rodríguez y Martínez was listed as "cuñada", her occupation was "costurera, familia particular." The person missing is Eduardo's wife which would be Petra Martínez Torres's daughter and sister of Petra Rodríguez Martínez.

Researching the Passenger List from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic to San Juan Puerto Rico I also came upon a pattern of this family travelling together and it gives me a better understanding of the family relationships. Searching in Ancestry.com within the catalogue search for Puerto Rico is where the chapter Puerto Rico, US Arriving Passenger and Crew list, 1901-1962 resides. In doing so I learned that the Details notes are very helpful and should be copied. That's what you see before clicking on "view the original". What I found after reviewing the Detail notes was the actual birthdate of one of the participants of this study and the town and country of birth of another. The Passenger list is not only on the first page but also on the second page that follows. That's how I found Cristóbal Rodríguez visiting his mother Petrona Martínez. Also, the familysearch.org and Ancestry.com websites on the smartphone are not as good as the websites on a computer. I have found entries on the computer that didn't show up on the smartphone. Also, I found that entering all the information that you might have in the search bar, like first name, paternal and maternal last name, birth date, death date, place of birth are all helpful to finding your ancestors but do not click on any Exact button. Your findings will appear first even if there is 1,000 returns and also the family trees relating to your search will appear. After that click on exact for Country. That is the way that I found success and the connection to the other Rodríguez families.

In the following passenger list the family of Cristóbal Rodríguez and Antonia Artau are returning home.
Passenger List sailing from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic to San Juan Puerto Rico on the SS Saint Simon. November 18th 1904.

The following are the questions and answers on the manifest:

1. Petronila Martínez: age: 50 yrs old. Married or single: widow, Nationality, Country: Puerto Rico. Race: Spanish American. Whether going to join a relative, going home.
2. Teresa Rodríguez: 30 yrs old, widow. Nationality, Country: Puerto Rico. Spanish American, going home.
3. Antonia Rodríguez: 28 yrs old, single, Nationality, Country: Puerto Rico, Spanish American, going home. [Apparently she is using her husband's last name].
4. Cristóbal Rodríguez: 20 yrs old, single. Occupation: Journeyman. Nationality, Country: Puerto Rico. Spanish American, going home.

SS Simon

5. Petronila Rodríguez: 15 yrs old, single. Nationality. Country: Puerto Rico. Spanish American, going home.
6. Antonio Rodríguez: 7 months.

This time just the "Altao" family are going home.
Passenger List sailing from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic to San Juan Puerto Rico on the SS Montreal. May 16th 1906.

1. Antonia Altao y Díaz: 27 yrs old. Single. Nationality. Country: Puerto Rico. Spanish American, going home.
2. Antonio Altao: 18 months. Final Destination: Puerto Plata to father Puerto Rican mother also.
3. Trinidad Altao: 7 months.

Apparently Cristóbal Rodriguez's aunt came to visit.

Passenger List sailing from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic to San Juan Puerto Rico on the SS Quebec. January 17th 1908:

1. Trinidad Martínez: 50 yrs old, widow. Nationality, Country: Puerto Rico. Race: West Indian. Last permanent residence: Puerto Plata, Santo Domingo. The name and address of relative or friend in country whence alien came: Cristóbal Rodríguez - Puerto Plata - Calle González. Complexion: Fair. Place of birth: Bayamón, Puerto Rico.

2. Teresa Rodríguez: 30 yrs old. Widow. Nationality, Country: Puerto Rico. West Indian. Last permanent residence: Puerto Plata, Santo Domingo.

SS Quebec.

The name and address of relative or friend in country whence alien came: Ramón Martorell - Calle González. Complexion: Fair. Place of birth: Bayamón, Puerto Rico.
3. Petra Rodríguez: 19 yrs old. Single. Nationality, Country: Puerto Rico. Race: West Indian. Complexion: Fair. Place of birth: Bayamón, Puerto Rico.
4. Juan Ramón Rodríguez: 8 months. Going home with his mother Teresa Rodríguez. Complexion: Fair. Place of birth: Puerto Plata, Santo Domingo.

After another visit returning home.
Passenger List sailing from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic to San Juan Puerto Rico on the SS Montreal. April 15th 1909.

1. Antonia Altao Díaz: 28 yrs old. Nationality, Country: Puerto Rico. Race: West Indian. Relative visiting: her sister in law, Mrs. Matorel. Puerto Plata, Santo Domingo, Marina Street.
2. Antonio Altao: 4 yrs. Nationality, Country: Santo Domingo. Race: West Indian, son of Antonia Altao.
3. Maxi Altao: 1 yr old. Nationality, Country: Santo Domingo. Race: West Indian, son of Antonia Altao.

There is a lot of questions asked of the passengers.
Passenger List sailing from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic to San Juan Puerto Rico on the SS Montreal. April 15th 1910.

1. Petronila Rodríguez: 60 yrs old. Nationality, Country: Puerto Rico, Race: West Indian. Name of nearest relative whence alien came: Son, Cristóbal Rodríguez, Marina St. Puerto Plata. Whether going to join a friend or relative: friend, Eduardo Moreno, Cataño, Puerto Rico. Place of birth: Bayamón, Puerto Rico.
2. Petronila Rodríguez: 22 yrs old. Nationality, Country: Puerto Rico. Race: West Indian. Name of nearest relative whence alien came: brother, Cristóbal Rodríguez, Marina St. Puerto Plata. Whether going to join a friend or relative: friend, Eduardo Moreno, Cataño, Puerto Rico. Place of birth: Bayamón, Puerto Rico.
3. Lucila Rodríguez, 5 yrs old. Nationality, Country: Santo Domingo. Race: West Indian. Name of nearest relative whence alien came: uncle, Cristóbal Rodríguez, Puerto Plata. Whether going to join a friend or relative: friend, Eduardo Moreno, Cataño, Puerto Rico. Place of birth: Puerto Plata, Santo Domingo.
4. Juan Ramon Rodríguez: 2 yrs old. Nationality, Country: Santo Domingo. Race: West Indian. Name of nearest relative whence alien came: uncle, Cristóbal Rodríguez, Puerto Plata. Whether going to join a friend or relative: friend, Eduardo Moreno, Cataño, Puerto Rico. Place of birth: Puerto Plata, Santo Domingo.

We continue to understand the family relationships.

Passenger List sailing from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic to San Juan Puerto Rico on the SS Montreal. December 11th 1911:

1. Teresa Rodríguez: 36 yrs old. occupation: Seamstress, Nationality, Country: Puerto Rican, Race: West Indian. The name and address of relative or friend in country whence alien came: mother, Petronila Martínez, Tren St. Cataño, Puerto Rico.
2. Marcelina Rodríguez: 2 yrs old. Nationality, Country: Puerto Rican, Race: West Indian. relative, nieta, Accompanied by Teresa Rodríguez.

In the following questions are the personal description of Age, Nationality or Country, Race, Complexion and Place of birth:

Postal de la Calle del Tren en Cataño,
a inicios del siglo XX.

Passenger List sailing from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic to San Juan Puerto Rico on the SS Montreal. January 28th 1913:

1. Petronila Martínez: 60 yrs old. Nationality, Country: Puerto Rico, Race: West Indian. The name and address of relative or friend in country whence alien came: friend, Antonio Rodríguez, Tren St. Cataño, Puerto Rico. Complexion: Fair. Place of birth: Bayamón, Puerto Rico.
2. Juan Ramón Rodríguez: 6 yrs old. Nationality, Country: Puerto Rico. Race: West Indian. Accompanied by grandmother Petronila Martínez. Complexion: Brown. Place of birth: Bayamón, Puerto Rico.
3. Celina Rodríguez: 3 yrs old. Nationality, Country: Puerto Rico, Race: West Indian. Accompanied by grandmother Petronila Martínez. Complexion: Brown. Place of birth: Bayamón, Puerto Rico.
4. Juana Rodríguez: 15 yrs old. Nationality, Country: Puerto Rico. Race: West Indian. Accompanied by cousin Teresa Rodríguez. Name of nearest relative whence alien came: Antonio Rodríguez, Tren St. Cataño. Complexion: Brown. Place of birth: Bayamón, Puerto Rico.
5. Teresa Rodríguez: 35 yrs old. Occupation: Dressmaker. Nationality, Country: Puerto Rico. Race: West Indian. Name of nearest relative whence alien came: Antonio Rodríguez, Tren St. Cataño, P.R. Complexion: White. Place of birth: Bayamón, Puerto Rico.
6. Antonia Altau: 30 yrs old. Nationality, Country: Puerto Rico. Race: West Indian. Occupation: Embroidery. Name of nearest relative whence alien came: brother, Martín Artau, Las Flores St. Cataño, Puerto Rico. Complexion: Brown. Place of birth: San Juan, Puerto Rico.
7. Antonio Altau: 6 yrs old. Accompanied by mother Antonia Altau. Complexion: Brown. Place of birth: Cataño, Puerto Rico.
8. Trinidad Altau: 5 yrs old. Accompanied by mother Antonia Altau. Complexion: Brown. Place of birth: Cataño, Puerto Rico.
9. Maximiliano Altau: 2 yrs old. Accompanied by mother Antonia Altau. Complexion: Fair. Place of birth: Cataño, Puerto Rico.

Cataño: calle, terminal de lanchas y su estación del tren en las primeras décadas del siglo XX.

In the following questions are the personal description of Age, Nationality or Country, Race, Height, Complexion, Color of hair, Color of eyes and Place of birth:

Passenger List sailing from St. Thomas to San Juan Puerto Rico on the SS President. March 6th 1913:

1. Cristóbal Rodríguez: 28 yrs old. Occupation: Painter. Nationality: Portorican. Race: West Indian. Last permanent residence: Puerto Plata, Santo Domingo. Whether going to join a relative: going to join his mother Mrs. Petonila Martínez, Cataño, Puerto Rico. Height: 5'6". Complexion: Fair. Color of hair: black. Color of eyes: brown. Place of birth: Cataño, Puerto Rico.

In the following questions are the personal description of Age, Complexion, Height, and Place of birth:

Passenger List sailing from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic to San Juan Puerto Rico on the SS Caravelle. June 2nd 1915:

1. Teresa Rodríguez: 37 yrs old. Name and address of nearest relative whence came: brother Cristóbal Rodríguez, Ensanche St. Whether going to join a relative: Aunt, Bruna Rodríguez, Bayamón. Complexion: Fair. Height: 5'4". Place of birth: Bayamón, Puerto Rico.

In the following questions are the personal description of Age, Date and Place of Birth, Nationalization and Current Address:

Passenger List sailing from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic to San Juan Puerto Rico on the SS Marina. May 12th 1917:

1. Teresa Rodríguez: Age: 39. Give date and place of birth: Oct. 15, 1878 Bayamón, Puerto Rico. If naturalized give location and date of papers: January 1917, San Juan. Address in the United States: Tren St. #104, Cataño, Puerto Rico.

In the following questions are the personal description of Age, Place of Birth and Year, and Current Address:

Passenger List sailing from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic to San Juan Puerto Rico on the SS Havana. October 4th 1926:

1. Antonia Altau: age: 40 yrs old. Place of birth and year: Bayamón, Puerto Rico. 1886. Address in the United States: Cataño, Puerto Rico.
2. Trinidad Altau: age: 20 yrs old. Place of birth: Cataño, Puerto Rico. June 18th 1905. Address in the United States: Cataño, Puerto Rico.

SS Havana.

The following is somewhat unique:

List or Manifest of Aliens employed on the vessel as members of crew. Vessel Emilia arriving at New York, N.Y. June 2nd 1930 from the port of San Juan, Puerto Rico May 28, 1930:

Lewis Altao: Position in ship's company: Messboy. Shipped When: 5/28/30. Shipped Where: San Juan. Whether to be paid off or discharged at port of arrival: ordered to Ellis Island with proper Alien passport. Age: 23. Race: West Indian. Nationality: Dominican. Height: 5'7". Weight: 130.

At this point during my research I came upon several pictures of an immigrant in the Dominican Republic requesting permission to reside named Cristóbal Rodríguez Martínez and now I had to prove that he was my bisabuelo.

First I came upon the Rodríguez Suero family through civil records and public family trees. They seem to be the second family of Cristóbal Rodríguez:

1. Alfonso Rodríguez Suero was baptized at the Roman Catholic Church of San Felipe de Puerto Plata on Abril 4,1920 and was born in April 17, 1919. The baptism states "hijo natural reconocido de Cristóbal Rodríguez y Tomasa Suero."
2. La señora Tomasa Suero vda. de Reyes falleció el 4 de junio de 1966 en la ciudad de San Felipe de Puerto Plata, Republica Dominicana, domiciliada en la localidad de Separación. Ella era hija de Tomasina Suero. El compareciente fue Cristóbal Rodríguez. Apparently Cristóbal Rodriguez's son.
3. En la ciudad de San Felipe de Puerto Plata recibió noticias que la señora Petronila Rodríguez Suero falleció el día 30 de marzo de 1973 en la ciudad de New York, hija del señor Cristóbal Rodríguez y la señora Tomasa Suero y que estaba casada.
4. El señor Victor Manuel Rodríguez falleció el día 25 de julio 1986 en la ciudad de San Felipe de Puerto Plata, hijo del señor Cristóbal Rodríguez y la señora Tomasa Suero casado con Francisca González de Rodríguez, domiciliado en la Calle John F. Kennedy y el compareciente fue Elpidio Rodríguez domiciliado en El Ensanche Duborg.
5. El señor Elpidio Rodríguez Suero falleció el dia 29 abril de 1997 en la ciudad de Puerto Plata, hijo del señor Juan Ramón Cristóbal Rodríguez y la señora Tomasa Suero. Nació el dia 26 de noviembre de 1926.
6. El señor Cristóbal Rodríguez Suero falleció el dia 25 de octubre de 1998 en la ciudad de San Felipe de Puerto Plata, hijo del señor Cristóbal Rodríguez y la señora Tomasa Suero.

Antonio Rodríguez Artau.

As you can see Cristóbal appears to be using his legal name and is known as Juan, Juan Ramón and Juan Cristóbal. Later through Public family trees within Ancestry.com I came upon the Rodríguez Marcos family.

1. Antonio Rodríguez Suero was born on February 13, 1934 in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. His parents were Carmela Marcos and Juan Cristóbal Rodríguez. He passed away on January 3, 2003 in the Bronx, New York at the age of 68 years old. He was a citizen of the United States and was registered with Social Security. His father was Juan R. Rodríguez.
2. Rafael Antonio Rodríguez was born in 1933 in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. His parents were Carmen Josefa Marcos and Juan Ramón Rodríguez. His father Juan Ramón passed away in 1955 and his mother Carmen Josefa passed away in 1981.
3. Juan Román Rodríguez was born in 1877 to Petronila Martínez and Juan del Carmen Rodríguez in Bayamón, Puerto Rico. Rafael Antonio Rodríguez died in 2004 in New York, New York at the age of 71.
4. Carmen Josefa Marcos was born in 1907 in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic to Luis José Marcos born in 1885 and Luisa Fernández born in 1882. She had eight siblings and eight children with Juan Ramón Rodríguez.

"Antonio Rodríguez [Suero].
Febrero 13, 1934 - Enero 3, 2003
Con amor de tu esposa, hijos y nietos.
Ya no estás en nuestras vidas para compartir
pero en nuestros corazones siempre estarás".

5. La señora Carmela Marcos de Rodríguez falleció en la ciudad de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana a los 2 de marzo de 1982 de nacionalidad Dominicana y domiciliado en Camino Oeste. Ella tenía 73 años, era hija de Luisa Fernández y el nombre del cónyuge fue Cristóbal Rodríguez.
6. El señor Cristóbal Rodríguez Martínez falleció el día 11 de octubre de 1954 en la Ciudad Trujillo, República Dominicana de la edad de 79 años; nació en Cataño, Puerto Rico y estaba casado con Carmela Marquez. Era padre del declarante y compareciente Víctor Manuel Rodríguez (Suero) que tenía 30 años, era mecánico y estaba domiciliado en esta ciudad.

As we can see Cristóbal was known as Cristóbal, Juan, Juan Ramón, and Juan Ramón Cristóbal Rodríguez Martínez. There isn't a baptism record for Cristóbal but there is for Juan Ramón Rodríguez Martínez:

Iglesias parroquiales de Bayamón, Puerto Rico y de Puerto Plata, República Dominicana
a inicios del siglo XX.

"En la parroquia de Santa Cruz de Bayamón Diócesis y Provincia de Puerto Rico a las veinte y siete días del mes de Diciembre de mil ochocientos setenta y nueve (December 27, 1879) Yo Don Vicente Aquilice cura Párroco de la misma bauticé solemnemente puse Santo óleo y crisma y los nombres de Juan Ramón a un niño que nació el diez y nueve de Julio pasado año (July 19, 1878): hijo legítimo de Juan del Carmen Rodríguez y Petrona Martínez: abuelos paternos Francisco y Nicolasa Soto: maternos Valeriano y Severiana Torres...".

Juan Ramón Rodríguez Martínez had other siblings baptized in the Church of Santa Cruz of Bayamón. Their names are Gregorio, José Alfredo, José del Carmen, Juana María and María Ana Teresa Rodríguez Martínez.

Trinidad Rodríguez Artau passed away on July 17, 1976 in Cataño, Puerto Rico. Her parents were Cristóbal Rodríguez and Antonia Artau Díaz. The witness was her spouse Fabián Rosado Cabrera and she was born on August 18, 1905.

Antonia Artau Díaz passed away on November 11, 1964. Her parents were listed as Cirilo Díaz and Antonia Díaz. Her spouse was Cristóbal Rodríguez and the witness was her son in law Fabian Rosado.

Luis Ángel Rodríguez was born on November 22, 1909 and passed away on July 3, 1957. His father was Ramón Rodríguez - Puerto Rico and his mother was Antonia Artau-Puertorico. His occupation was a Floor man at a Night Club. He died in Los Angeles, California, where he lived for the last 17 years. His birth place is listed as Puerto Rico.

Antonio Rodríguez Artau passed away on August 5, 1975. He lived in Las Vegas, Cataño, Puerto Rico and his parents were Cristóbal Rodríguez and Antonia Artau. He was born on June 14, 1904 in Cataño, Puerto Rico. His occupation is listed as Mechanic. The witness was his spouse María Valle Cruz.

This ends my research for our bisabuelo Cristóbal Rodríguez Martínez. I would like to thank those cousins of mine that have taken the Ancestry.com DNA test because it is their Public family trees that also proves definitely that "somos primos."

This article is dedicated "a mi pana Dominicano", Adolfo González. His father's name is Alfonso, his mother's name is Quisqueya and his brother's name is Rafael Tejada. They lived on Manhattan Ave. between 100st and 101St and I lived on 100st between Central Park West and Manhattan Ave. in Manhattan, NYC. In the year of 2022 he would be about 68 years old.


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Los cipreses creen en Dios
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Slave Revolts
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Slave Conspiracies and
Unrest in Puerto Rico


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