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Meditar con los Doce Apóstoles
Meditar con los
Doce Apóstoles

Benedicto XVI

El pan bueno de nuestra fe
El pan bueno de nuestra fe
Benedicto XVI
Joseph Ratzinger

Light of the World
Light of the World:
The Pope, The Church
and The Signs Of The Times

Handing on the Faith
Handing on the Faith
in an Age of Disbelief

Movements in the Church
New Outpourings
of the Spirit:
Movements in the Church

Joseph Ratzinger

The End of Time?
The End of Time?:
The Provocation of
Talking about God

Cardinal Ratzinger

Many Religions
Many Religions,
One Covenant: Israel,
the Church, and the World)
J. Ratzinger

NBC News Presents
The Life of Pope
John Paul II

Theology of Marriage
A Christian Theology
of Marriage and Family

Inside The Vatican
National Geographic
Inside the Vatican / DVD

National Geographic
Inside the Vatican / VHS

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para la familia católica

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Pope Benedict XVI
Libros en Amazon escritos por el Papa Benedicto XVI Los libros en Amazon escritos por el cardenal Joseph Ratzinger -papa emérito Benedicto XVI - que no deben faltar en tu hogar católico para ti y tus hijos, o en tu biblioteca. Conoce y enriquece tu fe milenaria. ¡Un buen regalo para tí para un ser querido!

Juan Pablo II: 25 aniversario Joseph Ratzinger Pope Benedict XVIVea los libros por Juan Pablo II

Jornada de oración por el Arzobispo de San Juan
Joseph Ratzinger Cardenal Bergoglio: nuevo papa Francisco

Papa Benedicto XVI

La trilogía sobre "Jesús de Nazaret":

Jesús de Nazaret Jesús de Nazaret Jesús de Nazaret parte II
Jesús de Nazaret:
La infancia de Jesús

Por Benedicto XVI

La reciente y tercera
última gran obra como Papa

Jesús de Nazaret:
Desde el bautismo
a la transfiguración

Por Benedicto XVI

¡Sobre un millón de
ventas en el primer mes!

Jesús de Nazaret:
Desde la entrada
en Jerusalén
hasta la resurrección

Por Benedicto XVI
. . .

The Triology on Jesus of Nazareth by Benedict XVI:

Jesús de Nazare Infancia Jesús de Nazaret part II
Jesus of Nazareth:
The Infancy Narratives

Benedict XVI
Jesus of Nazareth:
From the Baptism
in the Jordan
to the Transfiguration

Benedict XVI
Jesus of Nazareth:
Two, Holy Week:
From the Entrance
Into Jerusalem
To The Resurrection

Benedict XVI
. . .

Nadar contra la corriente Ser cristiano Pueblo y casa de Dios La belleza la Iglesia
Nadar contra
la corriente

Por Benedicto XVI
Ser cristiano
Benedicto XVI
Pueblo y casa de Dios
en la doctrina
de san Agustín
Benedicto XVI
La belleza: la Iglesia
Benedicto XVI

Mi hermano el Papa Que brille El vía crucis Fe y futuro
Mi hermano el Papa
Por Georg Ratzinger
Que brille
la luz de Dios

Dr. Moynihan
El vía crucis
del Papa Benedicto XVI
Fe y futuro
Benedicto XVI

Palabra de Dios The Blessing of Xmas Orígenes de la Iglesia Church Fathers
God's Word: Scripture,
Tradition, Office

Pope Benedict XVI
The Blessing
of Christmas:
Meditations for
the Season

Joseph Ratzinger
Los orígenes de la
Iglesia: Catequesis
del Papa
Benedicto XVI

Joseph Ratzinger
Church Fathers
and Teachers:
From Saint Leo the Great
to Peter Lombard

Pope Benedict XVI

Escatología Christianity and the Crisis Jesus and the Apostles Seek That Which Is Above
Death and Eternal Life

Joseph Ratzinger
Christianity and
the Crisis of

Benedicto XVI
Jesus, the Apostles
and the Early Church:
General Audiences

Joseph Ratzinger
Seek That Which
Is Above:
Meditations Through
the Year

Cardinal Ratzinger

Values in a Time of Upheaval Behold Called to Communion Los apóstoles
Values in a Time
of Upheaval

Pope Benedict XVI
Behold the
Pierced One

Joseph Ratzinger
Called to Communion:
Understanding the
Church Today

Joseph Ratzinger
The Apostles
Benedicto XVI



Story of Creation

Introduction to Catechism

 Memoirs of Cardinal Ratzinger
Gospel, Catechesis,
Catechism: Sidelights
on the Catechism of
the Catholic Church

Cardinal Ratzinger

In the Beginning...
A Catholic Understanding
of the Story of Creation
and the Fall
Introduction to the
Catechism of the
Catholic Church

Cardinal Ratzinger
Memoirs 1927-1977

Joseph Ratzinger

State of the Church

Spirit of the Liturgy

Truth And Tolerance

God Is Near Us
Ratzinger Report:
An Exclusive Interview
on the State of the Church

The Spirit of the Liturgy
Joseph Ratzinger
Truth And Tolerance:
Christian Belief
And World Religions

Cardinal Ratzinger
God Is Near Us
Joseph Cardinal

Caminos de Jesucristo
José Ratzinger (Papa Benedicto 16)

Introduction to Christianity
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

Without Roots: The West, Relativism,
Christianity, Islam

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

On Conscience (Bioethics & Culture)
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

Images of Hope: Meditations
on Major Feasts

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

Handing on the Faith in an Age of Disbelief
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

Eschatology: Death and Eternal Life
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

Truth And Tolerance: Christian Belief
And World Religions
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

The Dialectics of Secularization:
On Reason and Religion

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

Principles of Catholic Theology:
Building Stones for a Fundamental Theology

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

God and the World: A Conversation
With Peter Seewald (Paperback)

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

The Nature and Mission of Theology:
Essays to Orient Theology in Today's Debates

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

Salt of the Earth
Salt of the Earth: Christianity and the Catholic Church at the End of the Millennium:
An Interview with Peter Seewald

by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
Salt of the Earth by Cardinal Ratzinger

Salt of the Earth: Christianity and the Catholic Church at the End of the Millennium: An Interview With Peter Seewald an important volume which gives an extraordinary insight into the mind and thought of the Cardinal (the "Panzer-Cardinal" to his detractors and "Call to Action" types). There is a touching account of his youth, family life, student days, and even the period when he was an American prisoner of war. Readers will find fascinating this theologian's views of Hans Kung, sexual consumerism, evolution, and Fatima. There are precious comments on liturgy, infallibility and authority, celibacy, liberation theology and other attempts to politicize the Gospel, moral relativism, "fundamentalism," "pathological forms of religiosity," the exodus of Catholics to the sects, and "the dictatorship of public opinion." While admitting that he has "so little knowledge of America," he does not hesitate to refer to the few American bishops "who are perhaps really somewhat extreme." He expresses the "humiliation" he feels that it is "Catholic countries like Rwanda and Burundi which have become the scene of the greatest atrocities." Cardinal Ratzinger emphasizes that the renewal of the Church must come from new movements and groups of Catholics that implement both the spirit and letter of Vatican II. Decrying the false "spirit of Vatican II" that waters down the faith to make modern man more "comfortable", Cardinal Ratzinger, one of the key theologians laboring at the council, insists that the Council Fathers in no way intended to "turn the faith upside down, but, on the contrary to serve it properly."

Otros libros:
Encíclicas eucarísticas
Documentos Eucarísticos para el nuevo milenio
Ecclesia de Eucaristía (Carta encíclica sobre la Eucaristía en su relación con la Iglesia)

Redemptionis Sacramentum (Sobre algunas cosas que se deben observar o evitar acerca de la Santísima Eucaristía)
English and Spanish versions
Catholic Press Association Awards ¿En busca de un buen libro católico?
Vea la:
Puerto RicoLista de publicaciones premiadas
por la Catholic Press Association

Primer, Segundo y Tercer premios. Categorías: libros sobre liturgia, teología, pastoral, biblia, referencia, libros en español, etc. Ideales como consulta, formación personal y de grupos, labor parroquial. ¡Vea los premiados!

Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica (texto en español)
Todo hogar católico debe tener dos libros: la Santa Biblia y el nuevo Catecismo de la iglesia Católica. This is the Spanish version of the new catechism of the Catholic Church, the first major revision in 400 years, the catechism that sets the standard for all teaching within the Church.

Catechism of the Catholic Church: Official Text (English)
Four centuries in the making, a monumental undertaking and a magnificent achievement, the first definitive Catholic Catechism since the Council of Trent in 1566 details doctrine, dogma, and the basic tenets of the Church. "A sure and certain standard for the teaching of the faith." -- Pope John Paul II.

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