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Harry Potter Books - Movies - Games - Toys
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NARNIA (C.S. Lewis):

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
(Book 5)
Elby J. K.
Rowling - Mary
GrandPré (Illustrator)
Harry Potter
and the Order
of the Phoenix,
more than any
of the four
previous novels
in the series,
is a coming-of-age
Harry faces
the thorny
into adulthood,
when adult
heroes are
revealed to
be fallible,
and matters
that seemed
come out in
shades of gray.
Gone is the
innocent, the
whiz kid of
Here we have
an adolescent
who's sometimes
sullen, often
confused (especially
girls), and
always self-questioning.
death again,
as well as
a startling
Harry ends
his year at
Hogwarts exhausted
and pensive.
Readers, on
the other hand,
will be energized
as they enter
yet again
the long waiting
period for
the next title
in the marvelous,
magical series.
Harry Potter Hardcover Box Set (Books 1-4)
Elby J. K.
Rowling - Mary
GrandPré (Illustrator)
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Book
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Book
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
(Book 3)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Book
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
(Book 5)
DVD WideScreen:
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (DVD
Edition) 2002
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (DVD
DVD Full Screen:
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (Full
Screen Edition)
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Full
Screen Edition
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (Full
Screen Edition)
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
VHS película en español:
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (Dubbed
in Spanish)
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Spanish
Games - Juegos - Toys - Juguetes - PC Games
- Adornos -
 Harry Potter Sorcerer's Stone Game
Harry Potter Toy
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Student's Hat
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets-
Game Boy Advance
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets -
PC - Windows
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets -
PS2 - PlayStation2
LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Castle
Harry Potter Wizard Chess
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Original
Motion Picture
Soundtrack [SOUNDTRACK]
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets [SOUNDTRACK]
"Harry Potter" Socks
Harry Potter Watch Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter Ornament
Harry Potter Throw
Harry Potter Guides - More Books - Postcards
- Calendars:
The Sorcerer's Companion: A Guide to the
Magical World
of Harry Potter
Por Allan Zola
Kronzek, Elizabeth Kronzek
Harry Potter Schoolbooks Box Set: Two Classic
Books from
the Library of Hogwarts School
of Witchcraft
and Wizardry
J. K. Rowling
Ultimate Unofficial Guide to the Mysteries
of Harry Potter
Galadriel Waters,
Astre Mithrandir
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 2003
Wall Calendar
Andrews McMeel
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Movie
Poster Book
Harry Potter Postcard Book: Movie Tie-In
Inc. Scholastic

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