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para la familia cristiana 
Los mejores libros, pensamientos, meditaciones
y escritos
sobre el Padre San Pío de Pietrelcina

Lea el Artículo sobre San Pío
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Cardenal Bergoglio: nuevo papa Francisco
  Padre Pio : A Man of Hope "...a vivid portrait of a man who lived
his entire life in
service to God. Padre
Pio is that unique
individual, a man of pastoral
ministry and prayer
who, despite skepticism
and cynicism from
those around him, served
his God and his church
with selfless dedication."
 Padre Pio the Stigmatist "Because of his ability to read hearts
many people sought
to confess their sins
to him. Although
he heard confessions for
12 to 14 hours a
day, it was necessary to
register 10 days
in advance because so many
people desired his
spiritual direction."
 Padre Pio Words of Hope "This book gives me hope, and comfort.
Life is so very cold
sometimes but even reading
Padre Pio's first
meditation can make you
feel warm. We are
not alone. Take comfort
in his words and
Believe them."
 Padre Pio : The True Story focuses primarily on the post World War
II era to the time
of Padre Pio's death.
It was during this
time that an onscure Italian
Capuchin priest attracted
worldwide attention
for his holiness
as well as his mysterious
 Meet Padre Pio : Beloved Mystic, Miracle
Worker, and Spiritual
Guide This brief biography of Padre Pio is designed
to introduce readers
to one of the most popular
and beloved saints
of the 20th century. The
book presents a life
sketch of the famous
mystic and miracle
worker that is laced with
quotations from his
writing and that describes
his spirituality.
 Padre Pío : In My Own Words The spirituality and wisdom of Pio's thoughts
and advice.
 Padre Pio : The Wonder Worker "Complete with numerous photos of the
Saint and rich chapters
about the life of
this holy man this
is a title you'll turn
to again and again".
 Quiet Moments With Padre Pio : 120 Daily
Readings One hundred and twenty diverse, inspirational,
and even humorous
selections from the writings
of one of the most
popular religious figures
of all time.
 Padre Pio : Venerable--December 18, 1997,
Blessed--May 2, 1999,
 Apparitions of Modern Saints : Appearances
of Therese of Lisieux,
Padre Pio, Don Bosco,
and Others Patricia Treece is the author of Quiet Moments
with Padre Pio (May
1999) and has also written
several critically
acclaimed books on 19th
and 20th century
saints including Mornings
with Thérèse of Lisieux.
She also writes
a syndicated column
entitled, “Saints Alive.”
 Padre Pio : The Conversion On September 20, 1918, the five wounds of
Christ's passion
appeared on the hands, feet,
and side of Francesco
Forgione, a Capuchin
monk later known
as Padre Pio, making him
the first stigmatized
priest in the history
of the Roman Catholic
Church. From that time,
Padre Pio's ministry
was characterized by
extraordinary miracles
and spiritual wonders.
Large numbers of
devotees were attracted
to his confessional
and many were privileged
to witness his many
unusual qualities. In
The Conversion, author
Corwyn Alvarez captures
the essence and spirit
of Padre Pio's life
and ministry in a
fictionalized account of
a young man's journey
toward faith amid the
turmoil of spiritual
warfare and spiritual
doubt. Reading like
a fantastic memoir, Alvarez's
masterfully woven
first-person account resonates
with romantic prose
and old country charm.
 Blessed Padre Pio : The Friar of San Giovanni
 Padre Pío : The Agony of Jesus "...remarkable meditations on the Agony
of Jesus in the Garden.
One of Padre Pio's
few writings."
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